Triginta Klooster, social sustainability assessment with The Cornerstone.
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Triginta has always had a strong commitment to social sustainability. However, we wanted to delve deeper and discover new ways to integrate this commitment into all our work. The Cornerstone played a crucial role in this by showing us a clear path forward.

Our collaboration started with an inspiring workshop, where stakeholders from different parts of our company came together to share experiences and insights. The Cornerstone expertly facilitated this session, resulting in a comprehensive framework that would guide Triginta’s strategy towards social sustainability.

One of the immediate solutions was an innovative contract developed by The Cornerstone, signed by our subcontractors, to ensure our social sustainability standards. This represents a quick win that aligns our entire supply chain with our core values.

But we didn’t stop there. We initiated a series of dialogues and posed targeted questions to employees at our construction sites, residents near our projects, our partners, and even inhabitants of our completed projects. This direct engagement was crucial for gathering authentic data and gaining real-time insights into the social impact of our construction projects.

By reviewing these measures and listening to the voices within our community, we have identified significant opportunities where Triginta can not only contribute but also play a leading role in shaping the narrative of social sustainability within the industry.

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